ThinkPad Battery Calibration
These are just notes for me to revisit if I have battery issues in the future. Got my ThinkPad battery replaced today after ~4 years of great service.
tlp recalibrate
Currently discharging battery BAT0:
voltage = 9915 [mV]
remaining capacity = 3080 [mWh]
remaining percent = 5 [%]
remaining time = 14 [min]
power = 12512 [mW]
state = Discharging
force-discharge = 1
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.
Done: battery BAT0 was completely discharged.
Charging starts now, for a complete recalibration
keep AC connected until the battery is fully charged.
tlp-stat -b
--- TLP 1.5.0 --------------------------------------------
+++ Battery Care
Plugin: thinkpad
Supported features: charge thresholds, recalibration
Driver usage:
* natacpi (thinkpad_acpi) = active (charge thresholds)
* tpacpi-bat (acpi_call) = active (recalibration)
Parameter value ranges:
* START_CHARGE_THRESH_BAT0/1: 0(off)..96(default)..99
* STOP_CHARGE_THRESH_BAT0/1: 1..100(default)
+++ ThinkPad Battery Status: BAT0 (Main / Internal)
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/manufacturer = SANYO
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/model_name = 01AV463
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/cycle_count = 1
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design = 45510 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full = 52090 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now = 6100 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now = 34004 [mW]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status = Charging
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_start_threshold = 96 [%]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_stop_threshold = 100 [%]
tpacpi-bat.BAT0.forceDischarge = 0
Charge = 11.7 [%]
Capacity = 100 [%]
tlp-stat -s
+++ TLP Status
State = enabled
RDW state = enabled
Last run = 09:12:21 PM, 898 sec(s) ago
Mode = AC
Power source = AC